Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • Identifying predisposing, reinforcing and enabling factors for adequate diet and physical activity in Sonoran schoolchildren 

      González Valencia, Daniela Guadalupe; Grijalva Haro, María Isabel; Montiel Carbajal, Martha; Ortega Vélez, María Isabel (El Colegio de Sonora, 2018-01-25)
      The study aims to give rise to a participatory reflection in order to identify mediating variables of behavior and environment that will lead to the design of a program for preventing obesity in childhood with a public ...
    • Sobrepeso y obesidad: una propuesta de abordaje desde la sociología 

      Cruz Sánchez, Marcelina; Tuñón Pablos, Esperanza; Villaseñor Farías, Martha; Álvarez Gordillo, Guadalupe del Carmen; Nigh Nielsen, Ronald Byron (El Colegio de Sonora, 2013-05-01)
      Overweight and obesity are considered a serious public health problem because of their relationship to chronic diseases like diabetes and cardiovascular disease, which are increasing among poor people and particularly ...