• Access to Energy Services. A Critique of Mexico's 2030 Agenda 

      García Ochoa, Rigoberto; Bracamonte Sierra, Alvaro (El Colegio de Sonora, 2019-08-21)
      This article aims at identifying and describing Mexican households in terms of access to energy services and their main socioeconomic characteristics in order to show the relationship between access to electricity and to ...
    • El desarrollo de la industria minera sonorense: el retorno a la producción de metales preciosos 

      Bracamonte Sierra, Alvaro; Lara Enríquez, Blanca E.; Borbón Almada, Martha I. (El Colegio de Sonora, 1997-01-01)
      This article shows the way in which ancient and recent history of the state of Sonora are closely linked to the exploitation of the states rich mining deposits. At the end of last century, Sonoran economy was mainly based ...