Factores de riesgo psicosocial en el trabajo, entorno organizacional y violencia laboral en la actividad económica terciaria de la Ciudad de México.
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Martinez Mejia, Emmanuel
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El Colegio de Sonora
Objetivo: conocer la exposición a los factores de riesgo psicosocial en el trabajo y su relación con factores del entorno organizacional y la violencia laboral en una muestra de 1 105 personas trabajadoras de la actividad económica terciaria en la Ciudad de México. Metodología: de tipo cuantitativa, no experimental, transversal, descriptiva y correlacional. Resultados: 95% de la muestra está en algún nivel de exposición y 51.6% en los niveles alto y muy alto. Un modelo path muestra que seis variables explican 44% de la violencia laboral, en las que las principales fueron: relaciones negativas en el trabajo (b = 0.28) y liderazgo negativo (b = 0.21). Limitaciones: estudio acotado a la actividad económica terciaria. Valor: se identificó exposición grave a los factores de riesgo psicosocial en el trabajo en la muestra de estudio, lo que indica probabilidad de daño a la salud. Conclusiones: se aporta evidencia a la compleja dinámica de interacción entre los factores de riesgo psicosocial en el trabajo que anteceden a la presencia de violencia laboral.
Objective: to know the exposure to psychosocial risk factors at work, and its relationship with factors of the organizational environment and workplace violence, in a sample of 1 105 workers of the tertiary economic activity in Mexico City. Methodology: quantitative, non-experimental, cross- sectional, descriptive, and correlational. Results: 95% of the sample is at some level of exposure and 51.6% at high and very high levels. A path model shows that six variables explain 44% of labor violence, where the main ones were: negative relationships at work ( = 0.28) and negative leadership ( = 0.21). Limitations: study circumscribed to the tertiary economic activity. Value: severe exposure to psychosocial risk factors at work was identified in Mexico City study’s sample workers, indicating likelihood of health damage. Conclusions: evidence is provided to the complex dynamics of interaction between the psychosocial risk factors at work that precede the presence of workplace violence.
Objective: to know the exposure to psychosocial risk factors at work, and its relationship with factors of the organizational environment and workplace violence, in a sample of 1 105 workers of the tertiary economic activity in Mexico City. Methodology: quantitative, non-experimental, cross- sectional, descriptive, and correlational. Results: 95% of the sample is at some level of exposure and 51.6% at high and very high levels. A path model shows that six variables explain 44% of labor violence, where the main ones were: negative relationships at work ( = 0.28) and negative leadership ( = 0.21). Limitations: study circumscribed to the tertiary economic activity. Value: severe exposure to psychosocial risk factors at work was identified in Mexico City study’s sample workers, indicating likelihood of health damage. Conclusions: evidence is provided to the complex dynamics of interaction between the psychosocial risk factors at work that precede the presence of workplace violence.
Ciencias Sociales, Seguridad y salud en el trabajo, Psicología de la salud ocupacional, NOM-035, Actividad económica terciaria, Ciudad de México