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Item 19th century’s culinary barriers in the formation of Tex-Mex cuisine(El Colegio de Sonora, 2019-03-13) Calleja Pinedo, María Margarita; CALLEJA PINEDO, MARIA MARGARITA; 22343The aim of this article is to address the historical roots of Tex-Mex cuisine in a sociocultural context of racial segregation, which gave rise to culinary barriers between Anglos and Mexicans in Texas. In order to explain these barriers, as well as the circumstances that influenced its transformation, the analytical framework of food semiotics was used. A limitation of the study is that it focuses on San Antonio, although theoretical and methodological suggestions are open to the analysis of other globalized regions or situations involving interrelations of ethnic groups and social relations of domination. The main contribution is that the issue is diachronically discussed, which allows to see how environmental, culinary and sociocultural variables are interwoven in San Antonio, Texas.Item A methodology for classifying cultural/creative industries in a medium-sized city: Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico(El Colegio de Sonora, 2018-01-24) Canizalez Ramírez, Paola Marbella; Avilés Ochoa, Ezequiel; CANIZALEZ RAMIREZ, PAOLA MARBELLA; 335542; AVILES OCHOA, EZEQUIEL; 201163This analysis is aimed at schematizing a methodological proposal for classifying cultural/creative industries in Culiacan, and determining their contribution to production dynamics, based on the North American Industry Classification System, 2013, and the Classification Guide for the Canadian Framework for Culture Statistics, 2011. In view of the limited empirical construction on the subject in Mexico, the purpose is to carry out a classification useful for unifying the occupations involved in creation, production and distribution through domains in order to implement a regulation that specifies the operability of nine industries in this city, based on the statistical comparison by economic branches of the secondary and tertiary sectors. It follows that the volume and growth of detected activities, firms and employment delimit the cultural/creative industries which are apt for promoting the production system’s capacity in a local economic cluster. The classification is flexible and does not exclude omissions; it rather can be conceivable in other cities.Item A Systemic Approach to Integrated Coastal Management of Mexican Tourist Beaches(El Colegio de Sonora, 2020-12-18) Jiménez Arenas, Olga Lidia; Tejeida Padilla, Ricardo; Rojas Ramírez, Jorge Armando; Coria Páez, Ana Lilia; JIMENEZ ARENAS, OLGA LIDIA; 706970; TEJEIDA PADILLA, RICARDO; 123792; ROJAS RAMIREZ, JORGE ARMANDO; 120643; CORIA PAEZ, ANA LILIA; 281297The purpose of this research is to show the way in which the integrated coastal management concept in Mexican coastal policy has had an impact on inter-institutional integration. In addition, the influence of local participation on the formation and activation of clean beaches committees integrated by the government, the private sector, and the society is studied. Due to the need for regional studies to evaluate this policy, it is considered Puerto Escondido as an example of change, based on the modifications made to the Mexican coastal policy. The soft systems methodology was used to integrate the vision of the clean beaches committees in a diagnosis. As a result, it is observed that coastal policy is moving towards the government and society integration. However, there is still a need for mechanisms to increase social participation. This work is limited to interpret the perspective of the involved clean beaches committees.Item A través del cristal. La experiencia del consumo de metanfetaminas en Tijuana(El Colegio de Sonora, 2011-01-01) Jiménez Silvestre, Karina; Castillo Franco, P. Isaías; JIMENEZ SILVESTRE, KARINA; 181866; Castillo Franco, P. IsaíasThis article explores the circumstances surrounding the use of methamphetamines, including crystal/ice, among users receiving treatment in Tijuana, Baja California. The methodology is based on elements of grounded theory, using in-depth interviews which focus on the consumption of methamphetamines. Users are predominantly adult, single, males who work and use multiple drugs. Analysis focused on topics such as initiation, reasons for consumption, ritual, sexuality and violence. Living in a border city creates special conditions which promote the use of methamphetamines, affecting the way users are perceived and the manner in which they experience drug use.Item Academics as Agents of Institutional Change: The Case of the Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora, 2003-2018(El Colegio de Sonora, 2020-06-08) Galindo Padilla, Gabriel; Poom Medina, Juan; Galindo Padilla, Gabriel;#0000-0002-2297-3773; POOM MEDINA, JUAN; 74985The objective of this article is to analyze the institutional change in the Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora from 2003 to 2018. The study is carried out following the case study method, using primary sources and semi-structured interviews; this method limits generalization but allows depth. The results demonstrate the constitution of academics as subversive agents that cause institutional change by stratification according to the theory of gradual institutional change. Results are compared to some works at the national level that demonstrate the incidence of public policies, state governments and university authorities as agents which limit autonomy, produce less democratic and legitimate governments, and reduce the power of academics in the university. It is concluded that the academics can influence the course of the universities and have capacities to produce significant changes in the organization using their own resources and strategies even in conditions of restriction to their agency capacity.Item La accesibilidad peatonal de los consultorios adyacentes a farmacias en Hermosillo, México(El Colegio de Sonora, 2023-10-30) Reyes, Pablo; Reyes, Pablo;#0000-0002-3091-5530Item Acceso oportuno y permanencia escolar de alumnos de 6 a 14 años en Sonora, 2003-2005(El Colegio de Sonora, 2009-05-01) Flores Valdez, José Alfredo; FLORES VALDEZ, JOSE ALFREDO; 203709The concept of quality in education is better interpreted by analyzing its different dimensions, in particular by making judgments about the efficiency, pertinence, and equity of the system as a whole. This approach has been used in various studies of the educational system based on the analysis of academic results, understood as synonymous of educational efficiency, ignoring the important and basic issue of access to education. There is much to be done; a detailed analysis of education coverage by age and grade not only shows meaningful progress in Sonora between 2003 and 2005, but also highlights the main problems. In this sense, the biggest weaknesses are timely access and permanence, the key to academic success in children aged 10-12 and 14, who are in the final stages of elementary and middle school. The challenge is to avoid the repetition of school grades in elementary school as a preventive measure to avoid desertion, another big problem in middle school.Item Acceso, abasto y control del agua en una comunidad indígena chamula en Chiapas: un análisis a través de la perspectiva de género, ambiente y desarrollo.(El Colegio de Sonora, 2007-01-01) Soares, Denise; Soares, Denise;#0000-0003-1811-0139This article pretends to make a contribution to the analysis of the relationship between gender and hydric resources, the specific problems of women in relation to water, based on a comprehension of the logic behind the articulation strategies of marginalized families regarding water. Here the forms of access, supply, management and control of the water for rural domestic units in an indigenous community in San Juan Chamula, a municipality in the los Altos region of Chiapas, will be analyzed, in order to reflect on alternatives aimed at supporting the active participation of women in decision making processes on water management in the community, contributing in this way to the construction of sustainable local development.Item Access to Energy Services. A Critique of Mexico's 2030 Agenda(El Colegio de Sonora, 2019-08-21) García Ochoa, Rigoberto; Bracamonte Sierra, Alvaro; GARCIA OCHOA, RIGOBERTO; 46589; BRACAMONTE SIERRA, ALVARO; 15430This article aims at identifying and describing Mexican households in terms of access to energy services and their main socioeconomic characteristics in order to show the relationship between access to electricity and to the services that energy provides. A quantitative methodology with multivariate techniques was applied, which included the K-means cluster analysis and the correspondence analysis. The results warn that there are households with high homogeneity and intergroup heterogeneity, a scenario that reveals a problem of social inequality regarding access to energy services, despite the fact that almost all of them have electricity. The limitation of the study was the lack of official information on the capacity (power), size and brand of home appliances. It follows that the State must implement an energy policy that recognizes this social differentiation, with a cross-sectional approach of economic, social and environmental sustainability.Item Acerca de la influencia de las creencias religiosas en los procesos de estratificación social en Estados Unidos, desde una perspectiva de método y teoría aplicados(El Colegio de Sonora, 2014-09-01) Arriaga Martínez, Rafael; ARRIAGA MARTINEZ, RAFAEL; 245801In this article, we deal with the socioeconomic experience of people of Mexican and Chinese origin living in the us, from a research perspective where issues of method, theory and application are of main concern. We highlight the heuristic utility of methodological individualism and the general theory of rationality to explain the results of this experience in terms of social stratification. We also explain the difficulties of theoretical application, derived from the Weberian corollary on which our hypothetical a priori rests, which considers the influence of religious beliefs and ideas as cultural elements capable of inhibiting or stimulating the process of social stratification. We demonstrate the pertinence of our hypothesis, even when the reality of a social stratification favorable to Catholics of European descent and Chinese-Americans might challenge the Weberian position regarding Catholicism and Confucianism.Item Actitudes de transinclusión en instituciones de educación superior en Sonora: resultados preliminares(El Colegio de Sonora, 2024-10-28) Velarde, Fernanda; Abril-Valdez, Elba; Velarde, FernandaObjetivo: analizar las actitudes de inclusión hacia las personas trans en instituciones de educación superior en Hermosillo, Sonora. Metodología: enfoque cuantitativo empleando la escala de actitudes hacia las personas trans con muestreo no probabilístico en tres instituciones de educación superior. Resultados: la comunidad universitaria de las instituciones de educación superior públicas reporta en sus respuestas mayor transinclusión en comparación con sus pares de la institución privada. Además, se observa que las personas no binaries, de género diverso y las mujeres son quienes tienen promedios más altos en la escala de actitudes de inclusión hacia las personas trans. Las personas del área de humanidades y las poblaciones estudiantil y LGBTIQ+ presentan actitudes más inclusivas que otros grupos. Limitaciones: debido al muestreo no probabilístico empleado, los datos no son representativos, sino que constituyen una aproximación a la realidad de la región de estudio. Valor: aporte empírico al conocimiento del cisexismo y a la inclusión social de las personas trans. Conclusiones: la transinclusión no se reduce a ser LGBTIQ+, al feminismo decolonial ni a las posturas de izquierda, sino que requiere un conjunto de prácticas que promuevan una legítima inclusión de la población trans.Item Adaptación al cambio climático como elemento de combate a la pobreza(El Colegio de Sonora, 2014-09-01) Ibarrarán, María Eugenia; Reyes, Miguel; Altamirano, Aniel; Ibarraran, Maria Eugenia;#0000-0003-0068-2710; Reyes, Miguel;#0000-0002-1460-1814; ALTAMIRANO LUGO, DANIEL; 771398This article analyzes the complex relationship between poverty and vulnerability through disaster-specific vulnerability indexes for all Mexican states. The geographic distribution of vulnerability by disaster was mapped, and the main factors that caused it were identified. Taking the most relevant factors as guidelines, the existing public programs that address the mitigation of disaster-related damage and that strengthen the economic and social capabilities of the population were analyzed. Furthermore, suggestions were made to implement these programs jointly to benefit from their synergies in such a way as to address and reduce disaster-related damage and to strengthen economic and social capacity.Item Adultas y adultos mayores en Sonora: ¿dependientes, autosuficientes o proveedores?(El Colegio de Sonora, 2007-01-01) Grijalva Monteverde, Gabriela; Zúñiga Elizalde, Mercedes; Zupo Jiménez, María de Jesús; Grijalva Monteverde, Gabriela; 122744; ZUÑIGA ELIZALDE, MARIA MERCEDES; 79227; ZUPO JIMENEZ, MARIA DE JESUS; 46687The purpose of this article is to analyze the characteristics of elderly population in Sonora, focusing on the sources and amount of their income. After reviewing the existing bibliography on the sources of income and economic involvement of the elderly in Mexico, we analyze the projections of demographic ageing foreseen for Sonora in the next decades, as well as the current geographical distribution of older people in the state. By processing information from the XII Censo General de Población y Vivienda [XII General Population and Housing Census] (INEGI 2000) sample, we present a framework for analyzing the status of elderly based on their household arrangements. The statistical information studied highlights a situation that calls into question the perception of senior citizens as economically dependent on their households.Item Agave azul y el desarrollo sustentable en la cuenca baja del río Ayuquila, Costa Sur de Jalisco (1994-2004)(El Colegio de Sonora, 2011-05-01) Gerritsen, Peter R.W.; Moreno Hernández, Arturo; Rosales Adame, Jesús Juan; Martínez Rivera, Luis Manuel; Gerritsen, Peter;#0000-0001-7542-0171; ROSALES ADAME, JESUS JUAN; 82231; MORENO HERNANDEZ, ARTURO; 75438; MARTINEZ RIVERA, LUIS MANUEL; 30857The blue agave crop (Agave tequilana Weber) is a new crop for the Ayuquila watershed in the Southern part of the state of Jalisco in Western Mexico. It has become an important crop in regional agricultural development. However, it has also had a negative social and environmental impact. Since 2003, a research project was implemented in order to analyze the regional conditions of blue agave expansion and production, as well as the identification of sustainable alternatives. Even though blue agave can be a profitable crop, the cyclic tendencies of overproduction and scarcity have caused a lack of incentives for its production and a permanent degradation of the regional productive capacity. The article concludes with some practical recommendations, as well as a discussion of perspectives on sustainable development based on blue agave production.Item Agrarian Insecurity, Identities and Conflicts in a Peasant Territory Nestled in a Natural Protected Area: The Case of Los Laureles, Chiapas(El Colegio de Sonora, 2020-05-13) Cruz-Morales, Juana; Trujillo-Díaz, Ana Gabriela; García-Barrios, Luis E.; CRUZ MORALES, JUANA; 94617; TRUJILLO DIAZ, ANA GABRIELA; 658905; García Barrios, Luis Enrique;#0000-0001-8227-7748People dwelling without agrarian rights in spaces recently declared Biosphere Reserves face internal and external conflicts and challenges that affect their identities and reinforce their condition as “irregulars”. At Los Laureles, rural families continuously redefine their multidimensional identities in an effort to justify their permanence and ensure a livelihood. This research objective is to analyze such identities; for this purpose, we used diachronic tour, detailed life histories, and in-depth interviews. Results show that most interviewees have forged multidimensional identities to deal with daily insecurity (i.e. they see themselves simultaneously as orphans, peons, farmers, poor, and guardians of nature in reserves). Although limited to one case study, it explores consequences of irregularity, a common agrarian condition in reserves. Its originality lies in highlighting life histories and identities that reinforce irregularity itself. Conclusions lead to think that Los Laureles dwellers mainly perceive themselves as poor-alienated and thus reduce their agency and their capacity to collaborate internally in order to overcome irregularity and its consequences.Item Agricultura comercial, industria y estructura ocupacional en Sonora (1900-1960)(El Colegio de Sonora, 2008-01-01) Cárdenas García, Nicolás; CARDENAS GARCIA, NICOLAS; 10359This article analyzes the link between the development model and the occupational structure in Sonora between 1900 and 1960, in order to understand the nature and pace of industrialization in this state. Using available statistical sources, we review the sectors which give dynamism to the economy, and analyze the industrial sector's structure and labor force. We argue that the move towards a development model based on commercial agriculture provoked some deindustrialization, as well as severe regional inequalities.Item Agricultura y manejo sustentable del acuífero de la Costa de Hermosillo(El Colegio de Sonora, 2012-01-01) Lutz Ley, América N.; Moreno Vázquez, José Luis; Salazar Adams, Alejandro; SALAZAR ADAMS, JESUS ALEJANDRO; 40399; MORENO VAZQUEZ, JOSE LUIS; 80244; Lutz-Ley, America N.;#0000-0002-7257-616XThe Costa de Hermosillo aquifer is one of the most overexploited in Mexico. In spite of this, it is still used for the production of low value crops with high water consumption. In this article, the optimum crop pattern was estimated by means of four linear programming models, based on the restriction imposed by aquifer recharge. According to the results, it is possible to generate 90% of the current agricultural production value using one third of the water being drawn. The results also indicate the importance of subsidy elimination, agricultural reconversion and use of efficient irrigation techniques as effective measures for achieving sustainable aquifer management.Item Agricultural day laborers’ job market in Mexico(El Colegio de Sonora, 2018-02-12) Posadas Segura, Florencio; POSADAS SEGURA, FLORENCIO; 31246The aim of this article is to illustrate the situation of agricultural day laborers’ job market in Sinaloa and Guerrero, Mexico. It exposes workforce characteristics in the rural labor market in line with the strategy for reducing production costs, based on the configuration theory and methodology and the fieldwork. It follows that businessmen determine the socio-demographic, work, wage and subjective profile of workforce. Waged agricultural workers play a secondary role, focusing on survival strategies and, in an incipient manner, on the construction of identities and new avenues of collective action.Item Agricultural production diversification in Mendoza, Argentina. Fresh and processed tomatoes in the 1930sd(El Colegio de Sonora, 2018-09-01) Rodriguez Vázquez, Florencia; Barrio, Patricia; Rodriguez Vázquez, Florencia; Barrio, PatriciaThis article reconstructs the origins of a new agroindustry in Mendoza, Argentina, where vitiviniculture was the main economic activity; for this purpose, public and private sources were consulted. The international situation in the 1930s created conditions for production diversification, when both private and government investments were made. Tomato production was revitalized from the southern oasis in Mendoza to the rest of the province, where fresh and industrialized tomato was sold. Owing to the lack of research on the beginnings of agricultural production diversification in Mendoza, this study is a contribution to historiographical reflections on the formation of regional economies.Item Agrodiversidad y nutrición en Yucatán: una mirada al mundo maya rural(El Colegio de Sonora, 2013-09-01) Becerril, Javier; Becerril Garcia, Javier;#0000-0003-3785-1469The use and development of agrobiodiversity give genuine continuity to the conservation of in situ genetic diversity and its knowledge, as well as generating positive externalities in terms of nutritional wellbeing. In rural areas ofYucatan, seven out of ten adult men and women are overweight, and 20 out of 100 infants have short stature, which translates into a dual public health problem that slows rural development. The article discusses the paradox between the availability of extensive agricultural diversity and overweight in 390 rural households in 20 locations, distributed among the seven regions of Yucatan. The indings reveal that adult women are most prone to obesity, but the condition of being Maya (speaking the Mayan language and identifying as such, in addition to maintaining customs of the culture), is a situation that suggests a reduction in the rate of overweight and obesity, which can be argued is due to the customs in the consumption and management of agrobiodiversity.